SHS > Industries > Hospitals > Alarm and access systems for hospitals

The first choice for safe and secure hospitals. 365 days a year

A hospital is like a city where everything has to work around the clock, 365 days a year. System House Solutions builds card readers and access control systems to handle hundreds of thousands of entrances and exits, equipped with specific functions to aid healthcare staff in their work.

Intrusion alarm and access systems for hospitals

The SystemHouse Solutions Integra security platform is used to manage alarm and access control systems in most hospitals in Sweden and Norway. This has given us unique experience that we have applied to create specific solutions based on each hospital’s individual needs. The broad functionality of the alarm and access control system, combined with the unique volume management, makes hospitals equipped with Integra one of the safest places to be.


Reliable and robust for a hospital environment in transition

Hospitals and healthcare facilities are busy places with many employees and visitors. A hospital is also one of the few operations that needs to be open seven days a week all year around, no matter what happens. The safety of the hospital must also work for a wider group of people, healthcare staff, patients, providers, relatives and others who visit the area for various reasons. SystemHouse Solutions builds and designs a security platform to meet all the different needs of a health care facility.

Market leading alarm and access control for hospitals

Complex operations require competent protection

A hospital is never quiet or empty. Apart from healthcare of various kinds, there is always construction going on, staff on and off shift, and many visitors and students in circulation. In addition, a hospital houses a variety of activities, such as restaurants, offices, changing rooms, indoor carparks and maintenance area. Given this, hospitals have very large number of doors and alarm points and miscellaneous functions. This requires a reliable system solution designed to handle massive amounts of data transactions.

Volume management and flexibility

With its unique volume management and high security design, the Integra system has become the first choice for the majority of hospitals in the Nordic region. One important reason for this is the system’s great flexibility, which enables various tailored functions to match the different requirements and

permissions of the different hospital buildings and departments. For example, you can control permissions for locked medicine cabinets so that only staff with the right authorization can access certain types of medication.

Integrated alarm and access control

With the Integra platform, both alarm and access control are integrated into the same system. This means that the control panel on the card reader can be used to both alarm premises and access the parts of the hospital for which you are authorized. Staff from different departments and areas can easily be given different permissions based on specific needs, and temporary staff can be given permissions for a limited period of time. Once the period ends, the identity carrier ceases to function.

Region Östergötland, 15 years of Integra success

It started when Linköping University Hospital built a new house for oncology care and installed Integra as an alarm and access control system. Today, 15 years later, the Integra system is securing most parts of the Östergötland region and handles nearly 7,500 door environments, 12,000 alarm points and a total of about 60,000 active cards.

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